Oumier Bulk RTA Atomizer 6.5ml

0,01 €


Oumier Bulk RTA je výsledkom spolupráce spoločnosti Oumier a recenzenta YouTube Vape--VapnFagan. Vyzerá ako beštia s priemerom 28 mm, maximálna kapacita je 6,5 ml, ale tá bude znížená, aby vyhovovala predpisom TPD v EÚ. Palubná doska je v konfigurácii s dvoma cievkami s konštrukciou bez stĺpika. Prietok vzduchu môžete nastaviť pomocou spodného regulačného krúžku airflow a ten privádza vzduch na spodnú stranu cievok. A vrchný uzáver je možné odskrutkovať o štvrť otáčky, čím sa odhalia vrchné plniace otvory. Celkovo stojí Bulk RTA za vyskúšanie.

Značka: Bulk RTA: Oumier

Jednotka: 1Set

Veľkosť: 28*39,7mm

Závit: 810

Double Coil RTA

Dolný airflow

Balenie: Darčeková krabička

Každá súprava obsahuje:

1pc Bulk RTA

1pc Náhradná súprava

1pc Glass

1ks Extra drip tip

2ks Shoelace Cotton

2ks Tricore Fused Clapton Coil



My name is Mandy and I have been using this website for great products for over a year now. It feels great to open a parcel with yummy stuff every single time. This time I have decided to go for an atomizer. This is the second time I am purchasing it from Vawoo. Know you won't let me down.


Great RTA! Wonderful flavour production and huge clouds.


so happy to be living in the world where vaping is acceptable and appreciated like this. the variety of products is really impressive. can't help but wonder how many items this website will end up with. huge potential, love it.


The deck is spacious and attractive, and the coil can be placed directly above the airflow


love this website or leave it. I have decided to stay true to my previous orders and try to order them again. one more time. giving Vawoo many chances to stay in my life, lol.


Attr1 (z možnosti)
Stainless steel
Attr2 (z možnosti)
Bulk RTA