THC Tauren X Pod Cartridge

0,01 €


Tauren X Pod Cartridge je určený pre súpravu THC Tauren X Pod Kit. Má kapacitu 2 ml e-liquidu a pozostáva z dvoch typov: Mesh Coil a RBA Coil. Mesh coil má odpor 0,6ohm a 1,0ohm, ktorý je kompatibilný s bežným e-liquidom aj s niklovou soľou. RBA Coil využíva build deck, ktorý je jednoduchý na stavanie a nastaviteľný airflow. Systém vrchného plnenia zjednodušuje dopĺňanie. Získajte ho pre svoju súpravu THC Tauren X Pod Kit.

Názov produktu Tauren X Pod Cartridge s RBA
E- kapacita šťavy 2ml
Airflow Nastaviteľný systém Honeycomb Airflow
Typ cievky RBA
Kvantita 1ks/balenie

Obsah balenia 

●1 x THC Tauren X Pod Cartridge

●1 x cievka RBA

Balenie THC Tauren X Pod Cartridge s Mesh Coil obsahuje:

●1 x THC Tauren X Pod Cartridge

●1 x 0,6ohm Mesh Coil

●1 x 1,0ohm Mesh Coil



Totally trust-worthy website. My friends are ordering from here, my husband is, and so are my colleagues from work. I'm very attracted to the prices and discounts. Seem to order when it's convenient but also to treat myself. Works well.


top service. simple construction of device. cartridge compatible with both regular nicotine and salt. that's the bonus.


The taste is good, practically intense Throathit. special device.

Paul S.

This is very useful and easy to build in. I've been using this replacement Pod Cartr. for a few weeks now and I'm pleased with the quality of it and performance from it, the flavour is great and battery life also good


original device, convenient construction. no complaints in general. will buy again.


Thunderhead Creations
Typ (z možnosti)
RBA Coil
Mesh Coil
Kapacita (od možnosti)
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